Booking Conditions and Useful Information

Check-In Time

From 12:00 PM

Check-Out Time

Until 12:00 PM

Cancellation of Reservation

Free cancellation until 12:00 PM, 2 days before your arrival.

In case of cancellation after this deadline or no-show at the hotel, the first night will be charged.

Cancellation must be done by phone.

Cancellation conditions apply to all rates, except for special rates specifying particular cancellation conditions.


WiFi is available free of charge.


Rate: €12.00

Rate for children up to 12 years old: €9.00


The establishment has on-site parking.

Parking is free of charge.

Open, unsupervised parking; the hotel is not responsible for any issues.


Children stay for free in their parents’ room up to 1 year old.

No extra beds are available.

Baby cots are available upon reservation.


Pets are allowed.

Pets stay for free.

The pet cannot be left alone in the room; in case of damage, a charge of €150 will be applied.

Accepted Payment Methods
Tourist Tax

€1.10 per person per night

Consumer Mediator

After contacting the service (after-sales, after-travel…) and failing to receive a satisfactory response or in the absence of a response within 60 days, the customer can contact the Tourism and Travel Mediator free of charge. Their contact details and procedures for contacting them are available by contacting them directly or on their website:

Additional Information

Non-smoking establishment.

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